Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Yurra Yurra!

There are many interesting STROIES being spoken about by Fist Nations peoples leading up to the National conversation and deliberation on Constitutional Recognition. 

I have to wonder if White Australia is really aware of, let alone ready
to make a decision on this? I have noticed a space of silence around Constitutional Recognition by Mainstreamers and it is quite unsettling I must say...

Is the future of my Great Grannies in the hands of todays voting public?

Now White Australia might say they're willing to, and welcome the recognition of First Nations peoples within the Constitution. BUT are they able to collectively make the Mind Shift that interrupts the status quo? Are they capable of and prepared to take fair, appropriate and just ACTIONS which gives voice to a NEW Australian Story and Identity?

So far much attention again has been focused on the Indigenous peoples of Australia as a problem....it is a model of deficit that has been applied to us throughout history and continues to follow us around like a naughty lost puppy looking for a home and a good feed. Sure everyone knows it's there, it may get a few scraps from the table to fill its belly and the occasional pat on the head, but no one wants to own it really...its like everyone expects that someone else will take pity on it and either take it home, put it in the pound or if it's neglected long enough - for its own good it may die...

We as First Nations people need to talk Constitutional Recognition up with each other - no matter if we support it or not - it needs to be talked about! We also need to begin talking to our Non-Indigenous families and friends and communities....

Don't wait hoping someone else will do it...The future of your Great Grannies depends on the decisions and actions you take today.

Yurra Yurra


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