Saturday, July 12, 2014

Procrastination - What is it?

Hi Peoples

How often do you Procrastinate? Did you know that it can cause serious illness and stress.

Here is our take on it. eg: Procrastination = Fear most of the time. 

You are scared of what people think of you so you avoid making decisions.

You are scared of failing, scared of succeeding, scared, scared, scared.

Have you noticed that often you make decisions based around making other people happy while you suffer in silence.

Delaying the action to make a decision can make you ill. There are many studies out there that back us up on this. 

Breathe deeply and just do it. You can always make another decision and take a different action.

So take a leaf out of Richard Bransons Book. Weigh up all the pros and cons on a piece of paper, and then take action. In other woords "Screw it ,just do it.!"

Just believe in yourself, seek advice and then take massive action. 

Happy Days
Wendy & Vicki


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