Thursday, September 4, 2014

Top Tips for Restoring Someone’s Confidence

One of our primary objectives at the Stars Institute is to try and improve the self-confidence of the people who attend our various courses and sessions.

 Obviously, space doesn’t permit us here to go into a lot of detail but we will pick out a few key themes.

  • Identifying the cause(s) of low self-esteem. Some people simply walk through life believing they are not capable of effective leadership and motivation. It’s not easy but it’s important to try and understand what is causing that. Generic tendencies are a useful clue but they are not always the final answer, as sometimes specifics are required.

  • Showing, by example and exercise, that they are not alone. Low self-confidence is endemic within many sections of the Aboriginal and Torres Islander communities. Yet one of the classic symptoms of a lack of self-confidence is to assume that you are the only one struggling with the problem and that everybody else seems to be fine. By proving that not to be the case, the challenges can be seen to be part of a much wider cultural context.

  • Encouraging positive actions to deal with some causes of low self-esteem. Knowing that an aspect of your life is badly damaging your self-confidence is one thing but the effect may be unlikely to go away unless you take positive steps to address the cause. In some cases, that may not be possible but in others, with a little willpower and some appropriate help, it may be.

  • Allow the individual to demonstrate success. It’s an old and valid saying that “nothing improves self-confidence better than success”. Completing a range of exercises and group activities where the individual is empowered to achievement, can boost self-esteem immeasurably. 

  • Developing a regime to monitor and continually improve your confidence. The benefits of any training course, seminar or education program, needs to be maintained and rolled-out long after it is finished. That means that self-confidence improvement activities will need to be continued by the individual as part of their everyday life. 
 Nobody is pretending that it is easy to address this fundamental problem but it can be done providing you have appropriate and skilled individuals assisting. That’s where we come in!


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