Thursday, July 24, 2014

Make a Difference to the Aboriginal Community

"Life Can Be Really Confusing Sometimes" OR Can It?

Don't let illusions of confusion get in the way of listening to your inner wisdoms and doing what you know in your heart is true and right!

I stopped listening to my inner wisdoms once and as a result I shut down my heart and my capacity to connect with be honest it literally almost killed me. 

As the acting deputy principal of a big school in Cairns at the time this had huge impact on the staff, the students and my family. Not to mention it crushed my self-esteem and bruised my "Being."

I was so confused and felt stuck...

I learnt that I was responsible for creating my own confusion so that I would not have to be 100% responsible for the direction my life was going in and the reckless decision I was making at the time.

I had to wake up and get real with myself..

If I can be that responsible and powerful for creating a life that sucked, then I can also be responsible and powerful for creating a life that thrived...

Don't use confusion as an excuse for staying stuck. 

Do what you know you are here to were born to make a difference.

Have fun today.
Wendy and Vicki


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